
Folksonomy meets RSS: TagCloud.

Yes I know: ‘folksonomy’ is a particularly hideous neologism – it basically means metadata assigned by a non-hierarchical community. D-Lib let the word rattle and clunk around a rundown of ‘social bookmarking tools’ in April. Ever since it’s been nagging me – it’s just too unholy of a mix of populism and taxonomy.

TagCloud describes itself as an “automated folksonomy tool” – which I think is a particularly trendy/tortured way of saying: it scans RSS feeds for frequency of terms, then display the most prominent terms in text that is scaled to represent frequency. You know, like Flickr’s tags.

It’s a work in progress, and Danny Sullivan has written about some of its limitations in SearchEngineWatch. But TagCloud seems like a good way to get a torrent of RSS-fed information into some kind of visual handle on the user end. You know, where folks live.

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